Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice Authors

We are very excited to announce the authors behind the incredible short stories that will be appearing in Tourmaline & Quartz’s first anthology, Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice! The anthology will be available November 2022.

From castles atop snow crested mountains to the cold isolation of the frozen tundra, the lure of darkness beckons us all. But what if the bitter cold wasn’t the only villain? In Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice, you’ll find fifteen bone-chilling tales of villains, and whether they can wield ice magic, summon an endless winter, or use the snows to their advantage, you’ll crave to know how these villains grew so cold.

The Kelpie by Andrew LiVecchi

The Dark King of Time by Tina Capricorn

Ashen Queen by E. Seneca

Don’t Feed the Beasts by William Rigsby

The Grusel Woods by Jessica Julien

Grandmother Oak by Benjamin Sperduto

Cold Revenge by Maria Carvalho

Immistar by Paul Williams

A Forever Winter by Arwyn Sherman

The Winter Queen by Jan Marie Reynoldson

How The Sea Witch Lost Her Heart by J. D. Trebmal

Crown of Sweetgrass by Cherie Lynae Cabrera Suski

Glace Noir by Kimberly Grymes

The Third Son by Elise Berensen Meyer

Elemental by Lily Manning

1 comment

    […] With the official author line-up announcement by Tourmaline & Quartz Publishing now live, I am happy to announce that one of my stories will be featured their debut anthology Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice, titled “Ashen Queen.” […]

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