Snow queens, dreary winters, and realistic villains with author Cherie Lynae Cabrera Suski

Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice, our first anthology, will publish in November 1, 2022. Get to know some of the authors behind these tales of icy villains!

Crowns of Sweetgrass by Cherie Lynae Cabrera Suski, will appear for the first time in Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice. Learn more about Cherie, her writing, and more in this interview.

Preorder now to read Cherie’s story
and 14 others on November 1!

Welcome, Cherie!

Tell us about what got you into writing

In second grade I wrote a Cinderella retelling. I overheard one of my teachers bragging to another teacher about how long and we’ll written it was. I decided to become a writer then.

What’s your favorite book you’ve read this year?

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

Who are your must-buy authors?

Anne Rice, Juno Heart, Sarah Mass, Silvia Moreno-Garcia… I could go on for days!

Do you have any favorite villains in either books, movies, or TV?

Lestat from Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice because I hated his guts during the first book and by halfway through the second, I loved him and forgave him for all his wrong doing. I am usually not a fan of villains because they are unrealistic. Once an author makes a villain realistic, I no longer see them as villains.

Give us a quick intro about your story!

Crowns of Sweetgrass is the story of Juniper, a girl from a magical kingdom who is betrothed to the prince because of her powers. She struggles to find happiness and safety in a world as cold as ice.

What was your favorite aspect of writing this story?

The action and the tragedy. I love writing emotion. I hope this story is as exciting to read as it was to write.

What inspired you to write this story?

This could be a Snow Queen origin story, but honestly, when this idea first hit me I was watching Frozen with my children.

Do you think you could personally survive in the world of your story?

I would like to think I could survive in the world I created if I was born there. But if someone dropped me off, as I am, in the middle of one of my scenes, I would not survive.

What’s winter like where you live?

Dreary. We get snow once or twice a year, otherwise it’s cold rain for us.

What else do you write?

I will be releasing a book of poetry in the next few months and have a few novels in the works. I write in genres from medical drama to urban fantasy.

About the author

Cherie Lynae Cabrera Suski is a Labor and Delivery nurse from Washington state. Her experience competing in slam poetry and studying Anthropology at the University of Washington has inspired her writing today. She has published poetry and short stories with Dragon Soul Press, Fifth Wheel Press, Dark Rose Press and more. She recently published How I Crave You, a book of erotic poetry. Today, she displays her creativity through her blog, as she works hard to publish her debut novel, I Am Armageddon.


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