More about Immistar author, Paul Williams

Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice, our first anthology, will publish in November 2022. Get to know some of the authors behind these tales of icy villains!

Paul’s story, Immistar, will appear for the first time in Kingdoms of Wrath and Ice.

Welcome, Paul!

Tell us about what got you into writing

Watching Doctor Who as a child.

That’s awesome. I myself am a Doctor Who fan! What’s your favorite book you’ve read this year?

My Secret Life

Who are your must-buy authors?

Stephen King and Raymond Feist

Do you have any favorite villains in either books, movies, or TV?

The Master, a perfect foil to the Doctor.

Give us a quick intro about your story!

In this story, Immistar, a tax collector travels to a castle in the ice to arrest a giant.

What was your favorite aspect of writing this story?

Being able to complete an idea that has been on my list for years.

What inspired you to write this story?

I once worked in a tax collection office.

You never really think of tax collectors in fantasy, which is why this story is so great. Do you think you could personally survive in the world of your story?

Yes, humans are adaptable.

What’s winter like where you live?

Like a British summer.

Do you prefer writing short stories, or longer works?

Longer but rarely have time.

What else do you write?

Non fiction

About the author

Paul is a writer of fiction and non-fiction from the UK, now living in Australia. He wrote an award-winning book on 333 Jack the Ripper suspects, as well as publishing his PhD on wolves in folklore and adding Gloucestershire and Worcestershire to the Mystery Animals of Great Britain series. His articles have appeared in BBC History, Ripperologist and Mitzi Szereto’s Best New True Crime. Immistar is his 66th published short story. He has contributed to anthologies such as Ominous Realities, Trump Utopia or Dystopia, Coming Through in Waves, and Doctor Who Short Trips Past Tense.


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